Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

So, I have a new hero. The title of the book about him indicates his hero status: "Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Prophet, Martyr, Spy." He came from an extremely (no exaggeration) intelligent and dynamic family living in the most difficult of times in world history: Nazi Germany. I am overwhelmingly inspired in my life calling and pursuits when reading about this pioneer of a man. He was so far ahead of his time and generation that it is difficult to fathom the boldness that he possessed. He believed (in complete defiance of his world) that the L-RD is a living G-D who would talk to us and he put this into practice through the daily meditation of Scripture. He loved the Jews because they are G-D's chosen people and had action behind that love in the most difficult of circumstances--Nazi Germany. Here is a quote from a "confirmation" he presided over of 3 young people covenanting with the Living G-D of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in what I think is 1938:

"Confirmands [people who are officially confirmed] today are like young soldiers marching to war, the war of Jesus Christ against the gods of this world. It is a war that demands the commitment of one's whole life. Is not God, our Lord, worthy of this struggle? Idolatry and cowardice confront us on all sides, but the direst foe does not confront us, he is within us [evil inclination]. 'Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.'"