Friday, August 27, 2010

What Do You Mean "Bless the L-RD"?

Can we as created beings really bless the Almighty, our Creator? So I came across a great explanation for why we should bless the L-RD. Not surprisingly, it starts in Torah: Deuteronomy 8:10 is the original context for blessing the L-RD. "So you will eat and be satisfied, and you will bless the L-RD your G-d for the good land He has given you."

Of note is the fact that the commandment (#19 of the 248 positive ones according to Maimonides) is to bless the L-RD not the food. So what does it mean to bless the L-RD? I'm glad you asked. Dr. Brad Young explains, "The Hebrew term barakh [where we get the word "bless"], in this context (Deut 8:10), does not mean to provide a blessing but rather means to worship God by acknowledging His kingdom and His authority, an action which also influences a person's conduct in daily life" (pg 121 from JJT). Many people ask me the question, so how does your understanding of Jewish roots impact your everyday life?

Praying before meal time is a common everyday occurrence for many followers of Jesus so I think this is a great example to address that question. Dr. Young argues that by blessing the L-RD for providing your food (and/or all sorts of other things!) you are going beyond "...mere praise because, in essence, blessing G-d is a full recognition of His lordship and sovereignty. One could say that one is actually acknowledging the kingdom of G-d, His rule, and His reign as sovereign L-RD of His creation" (pg 120 from JJT). Even as I write this it makes me want to bless the L-RD! Speaking words into existence have real power in His kingdom just as He taught us to pray "Your kingdom come, Your will be done". By blessing Him we are acknowledging the reality of His kingdom!

Dr. Young goes as far as to say that "the failure to bless G-d for benefit received from the world is to deny His goodness and His authority over all that He has created" (pg 121 from JJT). Maybe this is why Shaul (also known as Paul) implores the Thessalonians to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thess 5:17). Let's bless the L-RD in all things!


  1. do they have a blessing for a sowing machine?

    is praising the Lrd and blessing Him the same? if not what's the difference?

  2. How about thanking? To add to the question; is praising the L-rd and blessing Him the same?

  3. awesome. may His praise continually be in your mouth.
    hmm. that's one to ponder - what else could be in my mouth instead? the tongue is in there...maybe that's part of the bridle that we need in order to control the whole body...praise. blessing. thanking. filling our mouths up with these things as a discipline. oops...pontificating in your comment raise some excellent points.
